what's happening?

Connect ONLINE - see here

Regular events:
As ONE church in two locations please see our list below of regular events, in either our Cinderford or Ross-on-Wye locations with options for online too.
Sunday Service:
In person 10.30am - 12.00 noon Cinderford and Ross
Online - YouTube LIVE 10.15am
Church Picnic
Various venues, as announced - often 1st Sunday in the month
2nd Sunday in the month, during the morning service
Hour of Worship
3rd Sunday in the month 7.30 - 8.30pm at Cinderford
Contact timw@fcchurch.co.uk
Home Groups:
Weekdays and evenings @ various venues and on Zoom
If you are not a member of a home group and would like to join one of our 11 groups, please speak to Richard Angell at connect@fcchurch.co.uk
Women's Ministry Alternate months in Cinderford and Ross
Contact: correne@fcchurch.co.uk
Introduction to the Old Testament
Monthly in Clearwell
Contact: karin@fcchurch.co.uk
Contact: connect@fcchurch.co.uk
CommonGround Café - Cinderford
A registered Warm Welcome and Warm Space place.
10.00am - 12.00 noon (Cinderford only)
Quest Club - Cinderford
5 - 11 y/o - 4:30 - 5:45pm
Craft Connect
9.30am - 12 noon: Join our drop-in crafts and arts club, hosted by Angie in her home on Ruardean Hill.
Contact angie@fcchurch.co.uk for more details.​​
Forest Humbugs and Hoglets
Term time only 10.00am - 12.00 noon (Cinderford)
For parents, carers and children - Bumps and Babies to 3 years old.
Drop in for a chat and drink at the Community Church, Cinderford.
More information from paige@fcchurch.co.uk.
CommonGround Café - Ross
A registered Warm Welcome and Warm Space place.
10.00am - 12.00 noon (Ross only)
The Forest Foodbank
1.00 - 3.00pm (Cinderford only)
See: https://theforest.foodbank.org.uk/get-help/how-to-get-help
Cave Time - Men's Ministry
Alternate Thursdays at 7:30pm in our Cinderford and Ross locations.
Contact: phil@fcchurch.co.uk
The Bridge Youth group for School Year 7+
Term time only 7.00 - 8.30pm at Cinderford
More information from youth@fcchurch.co.uk
FYCC Football
8.00 - 9.00pm (Cinderford)
Contact timw@fcchurch.co.uk
Men's Breakfast (monthly)
10am - 12 noon
Contact: phil@fcchurch.co.uk
Ladies Brunch (bimonthly)
10am-12 noon
Contact: correne@fcchurch.co.uk
Branch (Youth Event)
1st Saturday of the month 7.00 - 9.00pm
at the Forest Location
More information contact connect@fcchurch.co.uk
Please continue to check our Facebook page for any other planned events and for ways to connect.
If you require a Zoom link for a home group, prayer time or any other event, please email: connect@fcchurch.co.uk
Don't miss our UPcoming events:
Welcome to our Sunday Family Service
9th February 2025
10:30am in Cinderford and Ross locations
Watch the service online here.​
MESSAGE: Dan Hawken speaking from Ross
‘Living as lights'​​​​
​​​​​Welcome sheet download
After the service there will be a music try-out at Ross for anyone who would like to join the worship music team.​​​
Saturday 15th February Men's breakfast at Ross 7.45 - 9.00
​​​Next Sunday 16th February
Family Sunday Service 10:30am: Cinderford & Ross​​
Richard Angell will give the message, 'Living to add value'.​
Hour of Worship - Sunday evening 16th February
in the Cinderford location at 7.30pm
We will be trying out a new song called Risen Savior (Sing my soul). It's a very beautiful, simple praise song that will fit in well with our time of Worship!
Please do give it a listen and sing along to, even more so if you're going to be joining us: LINK
Monday 17th March - Women's GIFT Spring craft event in Cinderford
Sunday 13th April Sunday Service - Visit from Peter Andrews (Rwanda)
Sunday 11th May - Youth Event 6pm at Newent organised with Billy Graham Association and local churches
Weekend 16th - 18th May Men's Weekend with Bob Telford from Warwick
Sunday 1st June - Charles Price from Toronto Canada will be our speaker at our Sunday service at Ross
He will also speak at 7pm in Cinderford
Counties Connect Celebration in the Barn
returns with guest speaker J. John
Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July 2025 - Oxenhall, Newent
Friday - Sunday 24-26th October - Counties Connect Conference
Email: connect@fcchurch.co.uk for information on any of
these events.
Just look at all the things we can take part in online or in person!
Click the play button in the middle to watch.
Alter the volume control to the level you want.
Click the square (bottom right) to enlarge the video and click 'Esc' to return to this page when it finishes.