How to Support us
If you are joining us for the first time or are new to our community, we are so glad you have come and want you to feel under no obligation to give. Just relax and receive a blessing from the Lord.
Giving is a personal choice and for those who regularly attend the Church and want to financially support all that we do.
Based on 20% of the offerings last year, we give £100 a month to each of the 17 charities & missional work we support.
Via Cash/Cheque
If you would like to support us by giving cash donations, please do this at our Cinderford and Ross Locations via the donation boxes. or via post.
Via Bank Transfer
If you would like to support us with a bank transfer or standing order please use these details.
Sort code 40-17-24
Account 91459805
Via Direct Donation
If you would like to support us one-off or make a standing donation, please follow this link to do it online.